How to get Adsense approval quickly within 1 week

How to get Adsense approval:    I'm going to tell you best method of getting Adsense approval quickly . There are no requirements of older blog or not much importance of 30 post . But there are few thing you must know and should do with your blog.
I got approval within one week and blog was also not too old . I created the blog just 1 week ago before apply and buy this domain nearly 20 day ago .  I got 2 rejection on others sites before this but this time it's done.
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  Let's start.
      I also got Adsense approval on the this site within one week and with 10 post. Now I'll tell you how you can?
   There are some points you have to consider.
1. Need a Top level domain -  Yes , it's true . First of all you should have a TLD . Like .com, .in , etc. You can buy it .
You can also get approval on blogspot ,but it's much harder to get on this. You have do hard work to get.

2.  After buying top level domain you'll have to setup it with your blogger or wordpress. I'm using blogger so I can tell you about blogspot.

3. After setup open Google search console submit your site there and submit sitemap also. Don't forget to verify your ownership of domain.

4. After completing these 3 steps you'll have to find a best template for your blog . You can buy it , but if you new and don't want to buy you can use free template like me. Customize your theme. Also don't forget to include logo it's give a better look for your blog.

5. Now create unique post for your blog complete at least 10 + post with 300 to 500 words in  each post.
And finally you'll have to complete this  the most important part before applying.
6. Create some page like privacy policy, disclaimer, contact us form, terms and conditions (if applied). And also include social media link of your blog ,like fb plugin button.

7. Now you are ready for apply . now go to Adsense ,copy verification code paste in HTML , also paste on other pages Java script on which you get daily views.

I hope this will helpful for you.
If you have any queries related this you can ask or if you have any suggestions you can tell me.

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  1. Replies
    1. You can but it's much harder to get . Try with top level domain.

  2. How did you get traffic? And how did you promote your blog? Please describe it

    1. Share ur link on social media, try pinterest
